mrmusician japanese hip hop unit

Don’t miss out on SHIKI RECORDS hip-hop music and their rappers

SHIKI RECORDS might be a record label you want to check out. They might not be the biggest in the Japanese hip-hop scene but they have great hip-hop rappers who released new music as of recently and are growing in popularity. They have some artists that definitely are worth checking out. We’ve found these groups through the official SHIKI RECORDS website. Some of the rappers you’ll see are YOUNGI who released his single ILLMENTION featuring YAS and MAR (the C.E.O of the label). Other rappers included in this record label are SNIPE, SIN, GAK and DORA along with DJ TAKANORI. We’ve made a Spotify list of some music from the label record.

Mr. Musician

The record also have a music hip-hop unit called Mr. Musician were these said rappers are featured. Just a week ago they released a mini album “Bring back the Bacon”. It is them who are on the picture above.

Spotify Playlist

Here we’ve gathered the whole Bring back the Bacon mini album together with some of the rappers.




YOUNGI has a music video featuring YAS and MAR.