creepynuts new mini 助演男優賞 album

Creepy Nuts new upcoming Mini Album “助演男優賞” (Award for Best Supporting Actor)

Creepy Nuts is an unit of 1 MC, R-指定, and 1 track maker, DJ 松永. They announced that a new mini album is on the way called “助演男優賞”. In English: Award for Best Supporting Actor. You can get a sense of how the album is from their new recent trailer below. Release date is set to February 1st 2017.

Track list:

  1. 助演男優賞
  2. どっち
  3. 教祖誕生
  4. 朝焼け
  5. 未来予想図


First song of the album, 助演男優賞 with same name as the album, is already released with a music video on YouTube.